Marie Batt

70 Articles

What Is Paleo Diet? Quick Paleo Guide

Paleo diet jumps back in time and cuts out all modern foods,…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

What Is a Keto Diet? Quick Keto Guide

Everyone has heard of the keto diet. The much-coveted Ketogenic diet may…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

Dietary Fats: Benefits and Healthy Food Sources

Fats may get a bad rep, but they needn't. And there's really…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

Fiber: Health Benefits and High Fiber Foods

Over 90 percent of Americans don't get enough dietary fiber in their…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

What Are Carbohydrates? Quick Guide to Carbs

Carbohydrates are a controversial topic, but they needn't be. Here's exactly why…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

Protein: Benefits, Best Sources, and Daily Intake

The importance of protein can't be understated, but do you know how…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

Why Am I Not Losing Weight With Diet and Exercise?

You've been following a diet and exercising, but scales don't budge? If…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

Guide to Amino Acids: Best Foods, Deficiency and More

Getting all nine essential amino acids is vital for your health, but…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

Living With an Egg Allergy: Symptoms and Safety Tips

Both egg allergy and egg intolerance can be tricky and troublesome, especially…

Marie Batt Marie Batt

Benefits of Mushrooms: Quick Guide to Mushrooms in Your Diet

Have you ever wondered why mushrooms are good for you? Mushroom benefits…

Marie Batt Marie Batt